Day 1: Read Chapter 1.
Key questions:
What did Jesus tell the disciples to do in verse 4?
What is the difference between John’s baptisms and the baptism Jesus promised?
What did He promise in verse 8. What would their task be?
Why is it important for every Christian to understand the role of the Holy Spirit in their personal walk
For our church to experience God’s presence and power
For Pastor Kenny and his family
That the Holy Spirit will move clearly in you as you study and pray
Day 2: Read Chapter 2.
Key questions:
What remarkable thing happened on the day of Pentecost?
How did Peter interpret this miracle and what was the crowd’s response to him?
How would you describe what these new believers did together after Pentecost?
What can we as a church learn from their experience?
Pray:That we will be devoted believers, daily learning the Word
That we will wholly trust in God for our provision
For agape (sacrificial) love to reign in our hearts and minds
That we will consistently lift one another up in prayer
Day 3: Read Chapter 3.
Key questions:
What did Peter and John do in the name of Jesus?
What was the man’s response?
How did Peter use this miracle to share the gospel?
What did he charge his listeners to do?
What does this story tell us about the power of God?
Pray:Thank God for healing of bodies, minds and spirits
That you will be bold in telling others about the good news that Jesus saves
For a thankful heart that recognizes His grace and mercy
That you will be faithful in studying His word and praying to Him
Day 4: Read Chapter 4.
Key Questions:
What was the reaction of the religious leaders to the disciples’ teaching?
Peter said that Jesus was the cornerstone that they crucified. What did he mean by that? (v. 12)
In that verse Peter states that there is salvation in no one else but Jesus. Do you know people who think there are other ways to get to heaven?
How would you respond if they told you that?
Pray:Thank God for saving you through Jesus’ sacrifice
For our church to have a passion for worshipping God, serving others and for sharing our faith
That we will be ready to answer when asked for “the hope that is in us.”
Day 5: Read Chapter 5.
Key Questions:
The story of Ananias and Sapphira is a sad one. Why were they punished?
In what ways are you sometimes greedy? Your time, treasure?
When the leaders confronted the apostles about continuing to teach, what was their response? (v. 29)
How truly important is obeying God rather than man in your life?
Pray:That your priorities will reflect the proper place for God
That whatever idols you may have will be replaced by honoring God
For opportunities to serve God and others
Thank Him for the creation He has made for us to enjoy
Day 6: Read Chapter 6.
Key Questions:
Why did the apostles choose to select 7 men to serve the people?
How is Stephen described in v. 8?
Why did his enemies accuse him of blasphemy and other wrongs?
Have you ever felt persecuted for your faith? What did you do?
Pray:Thank God for examples of faithful servanthood
Thank Him for your church
For all who lead in our church
That your family will grow closer to God and each other through these days
For people around you that don’t know Jesus
Day 7: Read Chapter 7.
Key Questions:
What impresses you about Stephen’s message?
What was his accusation of the leaders and unbelievers?
How did they respond?
If he knew what their response would be, why do you think he went ahead and boldly accused them
Why do you think he said “do not hold this sin against them”?
Pray:That we will be bold in our witness
That we will forgive one another in love and be kindhearted
For inner strength from the Holy Spirit to handle tough times
For the lonely and isolated people around us
For our worship team
Day 8: Read Chapter 8
Key Questions:
The persecution of Christians was intense. It led to what is termed a diaspora, where a group of people disperse to other places but maintain their identity. What was the effect of this scattering of Christians under persecution as exemplified by Philip in his travels?
Can you think of ways the story of Simon the Magician can be seen in today’s Christian world?
What can we learn about sharing the gospel from the encounter of Philip with the Ethiopian eunuch?
Who do you know in your life that needs to hear the good news of Jesus?
For Pastor Kenny and his family
That you will learn from the example of Philip to be bold in your witness
For your family to draw closer to God and to each other
That God will provide healing and comfort to people facing disease, injury or loss
That you will understand your spiritual gifts and use them in His church
Day 9: Read Chapter 9
Key Questions:
How did Saul become a believer in Jesus? (vv 1-9)
As you think about that powerful experience, what thoughts and emotions must he have had?
If you put yourself in the place of Ananias, what thoughts and emotions must he have had
What challenges did Saul face when he began to proclaim Jesus?
What evidences of the Spirit’s power do we see in verses 32 - 42 and how did the people respond?
That God will put on your heart to reach out to someone who needs a believer’s touch today
For a deep sense of His presence and power as you pray
Our church will be unified in our commitment to love and serve one another
For those in leadership in our country and the world that they will seek God’s will as they lead
That our hearts will be filled with gratitude for our standing as God’s blessed children
Day 10: Read Chapter 10
Key Questions:
What did we learn about Cornelius prior to his encounter with Peter?
Describe the vision that Peter had. What did it mean?
What was the lesson that God was teaching Peter through these events?
Why were the Jewish Christians shocked that these Gentiles received the Holy Spirit?
That whatever biases and prejudices you might have will fall away
That anyone in your family who hasn’t repented and believed in Jesus will find Him today
That people who are traveling during these days will be safe
For the volunteers who are teaching our kids in church
For those who are hungry
Day 11: Read Chapter 11
Key Questions:
How did the Jewish Christians receive the news that Peter ate with and witnessed to Gentiles?
Peter said to them “If then God gave the same gift to them as he gave to us when we believed in the Lord Jesus, who was I that I could stand in God’s way.” Is there a risk that we find ourselves standing in God’s way due to our own prejudices?
What did Barnabas do when he saw what was happening in Antioch and what was the result?
Are our eyes open to what God is doing and more importantly are we willing to join him in that?
For people who are unlike you
For God’s mercy and grace when we fail Him
That God will send a revival in our church, our city, our country and world
You will walk more closely to God and spend time daily in devotion
Praise Him for Who He is and all that He’s done for us
Day 12: Read Chapter 12
Key Questions:
James, the brother of John, was martyred. What sacrifices are we called to make as Christians in an increasingly contentious world?
What miraculous thing happened to Peter when he was in jail awaiting execution?
Why do you think Peter was spared by God at this time?
What does v. 23 give as the reason that Herod was struck down and died?
What do you think are the consequences of our not giving God the glory He deserves?
That you will be willing to join with Christ in His suffering and sacrifice
For the wisdom to know God’s will in the decisions you face
That you will acknowledge God’s sovereignty and give Him the glory
For fellow believers at MissionWay
For seniors in facilities like Bartram Park who are lonely and isolated
Day 13: Read Chapter 13
Key Questions:
In verses 1 - 3, we see the church at Antioch send out Barnabas and Saul for the work to which the Holy Spirit had called them. What was that work?
Have you ever felt a call to do a certain work for God?
When Elymas opposed the teaching of Saul and Barnabas what happened to him?
Who are some modern-day enemies of the gospel? What may their punishment be?
In v. 42, what is the reaction of the people to the teaching they heard?
That God will send out missionaries to share the gospel with the lost
For listening ears when the needs of others are made known
For a deepening commitment to really study your Bible and learn its truths
For our worship service this Sunday that the Holy Spirit will move powerfully
For the leaders of MissionWay that they will lead well and be encouraged
Day 14: Read Chapter 14
Key Questions:
What was the reaction to Paul (Saul) and Barnabas’ teaching in Iconium? (vv 1-7)
At Lystra, what did they do for the cripple at Lystra and what was the witnesses’ reaction?
What was Paul and Barnabas response to the people’s praise?
Why did the people of Lystra turn from praise of Paul to stoning him?
What words would you use to describe Paul and Barnabas as you read this account?
For those being persecuted in the world for their Christian faith
For boldness and commitment when you face opposition and arguments
That we have a church body that values authentic community
For the kind of love that we see described in I Corinthians 13
That we will love the Lord our God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength
Day 15: Read Chapter 15
Key Questions:
1. What was the main debate described this chapter between Paul and the party of the Pharisees?
2. How did Peter answer this debate in verses 7-11?
3. What compromise did James offer in verses 19-21?
4. Did what James mention add works to salvation?
• That our church would make knowing the gospel a priority.
• That our church would make sharing the gospel a priority.
• That many would hear the true gospel and be saved.
Day 16: Read Chapter 16
Key Questions:
1. How did Timothy, under Paul, become all things to all people in verses 3-5?
2. Why was the town so mad at Paul and Silas?
3. How did Paul and Silas react to being thrown into prison?
4. How did the jailer react to Paul and Silas?
• Wisdom in how MissionWay can better relate to and evangelize the surrounding community.
• For hearts that react to persecution and suffering with praise and thanksgiving.
• Petition God that we can witness many come to Christ as a result of the efforts of our church.
Day 17: Read Chapter 17
Key Questions:
1. How did Paul reason with those he met with in the synagogue?
2. What made the Bereans “more noble?”
3. What key differences did Paul make between the God of the Bible and false gods and idols?
4. What does God call everyone, everywhere to do in response to their sin (hint:verse 30)?
• That you would be a student of His word.
• Praise God for being the Creator of all things, in heaven and on earth.
• Ask for courage to share the gospel despite how some might react.
Day 18: Read Chapter 18
Key Questions:
1. Why did Aquila and Priscilla move away from Italy?
2. What promise did God make to Paul while he was in Corinth?
3. How long did Paul stay in that area?
4. What was lacking in Apollos’ teaching?
• That we would know and trust the promises made by God in the Bible.
• For us as believers to constantly be growing in love with knowledge and all discernment.
• That God would convict members at Missionway to desire to evangelize and make Jesus known.
Day 19: Read Chapter 19
Key Questions:
1. What was missing with some of the disciples in Ephesus?
2. Why did Paul leave the first synagogue in verse 8?
3. How did the new believers respond to their conversion in verses 18-20?
4. What was Demetrius’ problem with Paul?
• That we might have wisdom to know when to share the gospel and when to stop and share it somewhere else.
• For the heart change demonstrated by those new believers in verse 18-20, namely that we would rid ourselves of those things God hates.
• Pray for an opportunity to share the gospel over the next week.
Day 20: Read Chapter 20
Key Questions:
1. What did Paul testify both to the Jew and to the Greeks?
2. What did Paul warn would happen once he left?
3. Why was everyone in tears toward the end of the chapter?
• That the repentance and faith that God gifted us with upon saving us would continue throughout our lives.
• That we would be wary of false teaching and know our Bible well enough to discern it.
• For a greater love for each other as believers at Missionway and that we would get to relate to each other as members of the household of God (brothers and sisters in Christ).
Day 21: Read Chapter 21
Key Questions:
1. How did the believers say farewell to Paul?
2. What did Paul say in response to the prophesy of his own imprisonment and death? 3. What did Paul suffer for sharing the gospel in this chapter?
4. What did Paul do in response to what they did to him?
• That we might be people who pray separately, as families, and as a church.
• That, upon hearing what God commands us to do in scripture, we would respond by saying, “Let the will of the Lord be done.”
• That Kenny and Jenna would be well rested, growing in faith and love, and ready to be back soon.
Day 22: Read Chapter 22
Key Questions:
1. What are your reactions as you read Paul’s conversion experience on the road to Damascus?
2. Jesus speaks to Paul audibly in vv 7,8,10, 18, 21. What were his messages to Paul about what he was to do
3. What role did Ananias play in this story and what might his emotions have been about that role?
4. How did the Jewish audience react to Paul’s story?
5. How did Paul escape punishment?
That God will act in powerful ways to reach the people around us
That we will be faithful and bold witnesses
For those in our church who are experiencing difficult trials of various kinds
That those who see us will know we are Christians by our love
For the leadership, teachers and students of Destiny Academy
Day 23: Read Chapter 23
Key Questions:
1. Paul was brought before a council of religious leaders made up of which two groups? To which group did Paul belong?
2. What were the main differences between these two groups?
3. Where did the Lord tell Paul he was to testify next?
4. What conspiracy was revealed in vv. 14-15?
5. How was the plot foiled?
For all those who are being persecuted for their faith in Jesus throughout the world
For clarity of your personal mission and purpose and the commitment to fulfill them
That we will worship God in spirit and in truth through our gathering and in our homes
For eagerness to study and apply God’s word in every aspect of your life
For leaders in our city, state, country and the world that they will display Godly wisdom
Day 24: Read Chapter 24
Key Questions:
1. What did the Jewish leaders accuse Paul of doing? vv 5-8
2. How did Paul respond to their accusations before Felix?
3. Why do you think that Felix deferred a judgment until Lysias, the commander would come?
4. Why did he keep Paul in prison?
5. Why do you think God allowed Paul to be imprisoned for so long?
For the kind of resilient and steadfast faith that Paul demonstrated
That you will be well prepared to share the reasons for the hope you have in Jesus
For those who are hungry and hopeless
That those who are in prison will come to faith in Jesus
For our children’s ministry and what you might do to support this crucial ministry
Day 25: Read Chapter 25
Key Questions:
1. Festus succeeded Felix and took up the case against Paul. What was Paul’s defense against the serious charges brought against him by the Jews?
2. To whom did Paul appeal and on what basis?
3. How did Festus describe the dilemma before him to King Agrippa and Bernice?
4. What were the two driving factors in Festus’ mind? v. 2 and vv 26-27
5. What do you think that Paul meant in his statement in v. 11?
Give thanks for the incredible gift of love, mercy and grace found in your salvation
That your priorities of using time, talent and treasure will reflect the right response to that gift
For members in your circle of influence - family, friends and neighbors, will be open to the call of Christ in their lives
For our pastor, other elders and staff that they will be encouraged and strengthened to serve God’s people well
For true brotherly love and fellowship in your church
Day 26: Read Chapter 26
Key Questions:
1. What was Paul’s approach in his defense before Agrippa?
2. How did he describe his conversion experience and its impact on his life?
3. Why do you think Jesus would have chosen such a dramatic way to call Paul into His service?
4. How did Paul say he was able to be bold in telling his story? v. 22
5. What was Paul’s hope for Agrippa? V. 29
That people we encounter will understand the need for a Savior
For boldness in witness through your words and actions
That you will experience authentic community through your church
God’s word will truly speak to your heart as you study it
In gratitude for the blessings of family
Day 27: Read Chapter 27
Key Questions:
1. How is the fateful voyage by ship to Italy described in this chapter?
2. What was Paul’s warning to the pilot in vv 10-11?
3. What did Paul say would happen and why did he say this with such confidence? vv 21-26
4. What happened to the ship and its 276 passengers?
5. Why might the soldiers have killed the prisoners but for Paul’s presence among them?
Give thanks for God’s provision and blessings
For listening ears when God speaks to you through his word and his messengers
For safe travel for those who are taking trips this summer.
That when facing troubling times your faith will remain strong and you will have peace and hope
That God will help you find someone to disciple and be discipled by in your faith
Day 28: Read Chapter 28
Key Questions:
1. What remarkable thing happened to Paul that made an impression on the natives of Malta?
2. With what spiritual gift did Paul use to bless the people of Malta including Publius’ father?
3. Which group did Paul meet in Rome and what did he say to them and what was their initial response? vv 17-22
4. What were the two responses to Paul’s testimony and quote from Isaiah?
5. In verse 28, Paul states his mission. What is it and what does he say will be the result?
That you will know your spiritual gift(s) and faithfully use them to serve your God and His people
For your Father’s eyes in looking around at those who are in need - spiritually, physical or emotionally
For the ministry of Sarah and Michi in Kenya
That God will use this study of Acts to inspire all of us to be missionaries wherever God may place us
For a deepening sense of the Holy Spirit’s presence and movement in your life