Our staff lead in the day-to-day ministry and administrative tasks of the church.

Click on the photo for a full bio.

Kenny Roberts

Lead Pastor

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Kenny Roberts

Lead Pastor

Kenny was born and raised in The Bahamas and is married to Jenna who is a Jacksonville native. They have two children together, Lillie (6) and Cameron (3). He and his family relocated to Jacksonville in February of 2019 when the Lord brought him to step in as the lead pastor of MissionWay Church. Kenny is also the host of two podcasts: The Cowford Catechism, which is a deep dive into theological and cultural topics, and Hold Fast which is a 15-minute, devotional-type podcast.

Kenny’s greatest joy in ministry is preaching and teaching the Word of God both from the pulpit on Sunday mornings, and through personal discipleship. He has been in full-time ministry since 2011 when he graduated from Trinity Baptist College with a degree in church ministries. Some of Kenny’s greatest joys in this life are his family, food, friends, being involved in ministry, and working out.

Jamie Wilbanks

Connections Director

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Jamie Wilbanks

Connections Director

I am a native of Jacksonville, FL and have been on staff at MissionWay since January 2008 when my husband Matt and I returned from two years of missions work in Ethiopia. We have two boys, Walker (16) and Eli (13), and a sweet girl, Evie Grace (9). My role at MissionWay includes developing our missions partnerships both locally and globally, coordinating church communications/media, helping new members find their place in ministry, and planning Sunday morning worship and church wide events.

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
— Romans 5:8

Jean Turner

Children’s Ministry Director

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Jean Turner

Children’s Ministry Director

My family has been a part of MissionWay since day one. My husband Robert and I have three grown boys, Caleb (and his wife Emily), Ryan, and Josh. I have seen amazing things transpire at MissionWay, all on the wings of hope and unwavering faith in our amazing God. It is my desire that all kids come to know just how much Jesus loves them, how important they are to Him, and how He wants to lead them in everything they do. It is also my desire that our kids learn these vital truths through FUN, relevant, age-appropriate Bible lessons, exciting worship, and awesome activities. At MissionWay, we want our kids to explore and discover God at a young age so they can grow to be lifelong followers of Christ.

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
— Hebrews 11:1

Rob Gover

Worship Leader

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Rob Gover

Worship Leader

My wife Kristie and I are originally from Kentucky.  We met at the University of Louisville (GO CARDS!!) and came to Jacksonville in 2003 after a two-year stint in South Carolina. We have three kids, Smyth (19), Addie (16) and Ella (9). God led us to MissionWay in 2006 where I have had the privilege to lead the most amazing group of people – the band and all the people who have come to MissionWay Church over the years.

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.
— Romans 12:1 (ESV)


Elders provide overall spiritual leadership and shepherding to MissionWay through prayer, the ministry of the Word, and pastoral care.  Elders are to be men whose lives are typified by the qualifications set forth in 1 Timothy 3:2-7 and Titus 1:6-9.

Our MissionWay Church congregation confirmed the following elders:


Ministry leaders -- guided by elders and staff – are generally volunteers who are carrying out daily leadership in their respective ministries.

Our current ministry leaders are listed below with the respective ministry they lead. Contact them for questions or more information on serving!