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A Prayer and Meditation on Psalm 14

Verse 1
I was the fool. I still act like a fool any time I sin. Your Son Jesus became the fool in my place to suffer the fool’s deserved wrath. There have been none who do good except your Son. We have all been corrupted by our evil actions. We have committed horrific deeds, thought horrific thoughts, and said horrific words. Yet, Christ took the corruption and the abomination upon Himself although He was not corrupt nor were His deeds abominable

Verse 2
Apart from Him, none of us would seek you. You looked down from heaven for just one person of understanding and goodness. Can anything escape Your sight? If there had been a good person at any point in time, you would have found him. You did not. You knew we needed a good man sent to us. A God-man.

Verse 3
Apart from Him, all have fallen and have become corrupted by sin. No one does good. No not one. Without Christ, our best works are like rags fit only to collect waste.

Verse 4
Your Son.
He never turned aside from your will.
He always does good, for He is Goodness.
He has all knowledge.
He eats the words of His Father as His bread.
He prayed perfectly with HIs Father.
He called upon His name.
Oh, God! Help us be more like He is. Grant us wisdom and grace.

Verse 5
He, by taking the place of fools, made them righteous. His Father is with them because of Him. His Father was with Him from eternity to eternity.

Verse 6
He has been united with His Father and His Spirit since the beginning. The cross was the one and only time His Father came against Him as if He was the combined foolishness and sinfulness of His people.

At that moment, that terrible moment, His Father was no longer His refuge so that He could be a refuge for His Son’s people. For us, despite our sin.

The sin and foolishness can be forgiven of any fool who would turn from sin and believe upon His Son by the power of His Holy Spirit.

What a great God and Savior we have. All of God’s people, let us rejoice and be glad in Him!


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