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Something that Christians often say without giving it much thought is, “God told me.” There are variations to this such as: “God impressed on my heart,” "or “God spoke to me,” but the premise is the same. But I think this can be a very dangerous phrase at best and blasphemy at worst. I don’t believe that we intend to do either of those things, nor am I attempting to question the motives of anyone who uses those phrases or similar ones. I simply want us think more deeply about how we use such words. Let’s begin with words from a guy names Agur who was inspired by the Holy Spirit to write these words:

“Every word of God proves true;
he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.
Do not add to his words,
lest he rebuke you and you be found a liar.”
Proverbs 30:5-6

I believe these words should cause us to tremble whenever we are using the words “God told me.” If those words are not immediately followed by direct quotes from Scripture, you are seriously in danger of “adding to His words.” For example, if you said “God told me to not take His name in vain,” you would be quoting from God’s actual words in Exodus 20. But if you say something like “God told me to move to California,” you would be making a bold statement that god Himself said something to you that no-one else can verify. In other words, you would be claiming to have ‘special revelation’ from God Himself.

Does God still speak?
I’m often met with this question in response to the above explanation. Well-meaning Christians want to know that God still speaks to His children. My answer is often “Yes, He has spoken and continues to speak to us by His Spirit through His Word.” Or I will take them to Hebrews 1:1-2 - “Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world.” In other words, God speaks to us in accordance with His Word that He has already spoken. This should not scare us or make us feel helpless to face life’s decisions because His Word has given us everything we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). He guides us, not by telling us what city to move in, the name of our future spouse, what job interview to attend, etc, but by His Spirit through His Word to live lives that seek His glory above our own.

This provides us with immense freedom because we do not have to “wait on a word from the Lord” since He has already spoken and His Word is sufficient. Does the Holy Spirit still guide us? You bet He does, through the sufficient, inerrant, steadfast Word of God already spoken to us - and as Agur has told us “Every word of God proves true.” I don’t have to say things like “I feel like God is telling me…” I can confidently say, “The Lord has said.”

I know there are some of my charismatic friends who will disagree with some of what I’ve presented here and I am not accusing them of seeking to add to the word of the Lord. I am simply begging us to be very careful to utter “God said” when He has not. One thing I do know, I don’t have to be careful in proclaiming “God said” when I am reading His Word.

The next time you are about to say “God told me” I pray you will evaluate the next words out of your mouth according to the Words already written down for us.

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