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What am I thankful for?

by: Dave Harkey

What am I thankful for? I could say all the cliché things – family, health, and wealth – and that would be true. However, the thing I am most thankful for is none of these. While I am thankful for these things, I am most thankful for salvation – thankful to God (Jesus) who humbled himself and blessed us through that, who basically kneeled for us.

There is blessing in kneeling. The Hebrew word for blessing is “barak”. Not only does it mean to bless, but it also means to kneel. To kneel is to humble oneself – it is an act of submission. Who blesses us more than all? God. How did he kneel? He humbled himself and became a man; He submitted himself to man and his mockery; He submitted himself to judgment, to death on a cross – this is how He kneeled. And He who kneels is He who blesses. Through His kneeling, we are blessed. In His kneeling comes the greatest blessing we have – salvation.

In light of this, can we do nothing less than kneel before Him and bow down our lives? Let us worship and bow down. Let us kneel before the Lord.

Thank God for His barak.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Psalm 95:6 -
Philippians 2:5-10 -
James 4:6-10 -
Barak -

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