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The Sufficiency of Scripture (in all things)

“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”
2 Timothy 3:16-17

As Christians we believe that the Bible is God’s divinely inspired Word to us and that it is inerrant - it is Truth without any mixture of error. But I believe we have forgotten that it is also sufficient for all things that pertain to life and godliness. Of course, the Bible won’t tell you what school to go to or if you should do the Keto diet or not (although Jesus did say He is the bread of life). But everything we need to live as ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20) and walk in a manner worthy of the Gospel (Philippians 1:27), is given to us in Scripture.

Somehow we have begun to treat the Bible as more of a theological textbook than the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17) which we are given to fight the good fight of the faith with. The Bible is not only meant to teach you about the Character of God but has the authority and power to continue transforming you into the image of Christ. Many people in our world, and even among Christian circles, seem to often call us to put down our Bibles and put on love, but we woulnd’t know what the love of Christ is apart from Scripture in the first place.

We are certainly in a difficult, confusing, and fear-filled cultural moment. But we will not win the battle according to human wisdom and the elemental principles of this world. The Bible isn’t only for use in the pulpit, but is meant to saturate the hearts and minds of believers day by day in order that we may have the mind of Christ and carry the aroma of Christ with us wherever we go. When we believe there is any single issue we can face in which Scripture is not sufficient to inform and transform hearts, we’ve begun from a powerless and hopeless place.

Scripture has power not because it’s simply a collection of accurate stories about Jesus, but because it is God-breathed and points us to Jesus every single time when read properly. Its sufficiency applies to every area of life as a result.

I’ll never forget the man I once counseled who didn’t believe that God would love him and die for him. I spent almost an hour trying to convince him of the Gospel and it just wans’t getting through. All of a sudden, I decided to open my Bible and have him read a passage that spoke of the Gospel, and in an instant, his eyes were opened and he placed his faith and trust in Jesus. The Word is alive and active. When Scripture does not seem to be helpful in any situation, the deficiency is ours, not the Bible’s.

Often, we are afraid to bring the Bible into our conversations with others because it may make us sound “old-school” or make us seem like we don’t want to think with reason and logic. But I stand on the truth that “…the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men” (1 Corinthians 1:25). I still believe in the Scriptures and their power to point us to Jesus in all things.

I believe that as believers we can face any issue in our world with an open Bible and know we have all we need. Yes, even for the issue you’re thinking of right now.

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