communion this sunday


A Note from Pastor Kenny

We are continuing to host both in-person gatherings and streaming our service online. Although we aren’t all together in person this week, we will be gathering around the Lord's Table through Communion this Sunday, July 26. So how does this work?

You will need to get grape juice and bread (any kind of juice or bread will work). We are asking that you all take communion in your homes with your friends and families that may be with you. If you live at home alone, we would highly encourage you to reach out to someone to watch the live stream together.

This is a great time for us as a church to unify around the Lord's Table during these strange times. This is also a unique opportunity to partake of the elements together with your friends and families in a more intimate setting. As with our worship services, we would all prefer to be together and look forward to that happening again soon. For now, we are trying to honor Christ and gather with other believers as much as is possible — this is a way we are seeking to do that.

Pastor Kenny will lead all of us with biblical guidance and instructions as we partake of it at the same time in different locations. This is a great time for parents to walk your children who are believers through communion as well. This article may be a helpful resource as you think through that.

If you are a believer living in unrepentant sin, then today is the day you should repent and ask forgiveness before we approach the Lord's table together on Sunday. Spend some time this week preparing yourself and your family to take communion together.