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Helping After Hurricane Ian

Donate to help those in southwest Florida

Hurricane Ian tore through southwest Florida last week leaving much death and destruction in its path. As a church family, we have committed ourselves to sacrificial service, and this is one of those times we are called to put that on display. I have been in contact with my former church in Sarasota, and they have given me a list of the most needed supplies of those affected by the storm. This church, South Shore, is a collection site for Sarasota County, and the supplies are being shipped all over southwest Florida from there.

I am asking all of you to consider purchasing and donating as much as you are able to. I will be driving supplies down on Thursday, so please bring anything you can to the church office this week. This is one of the most tangible ways we can serve those in need right now. Here's a list of the supplies needed:

  • Water

  • Non-perishable food

  • Gasoline (in approved sealed containers)

  • Hygiene supplies

  • Diapers

  • Baby formula

  • Tarps

  • Work gloves

  • Construction trash bags

  • Over-the-counter medications

The church office will be open to receive donations Monday through Wednesday, 9am-4pm.

If you have any questions about this, please don't hesitate to let me know. If you are unable to donate supplies, you can give to the Southern Baptist "Send Relief" fund. 100% of the money donated will go towards helping hurricane victims. You can do that through this link.

As always, thank you for your continued generosity over and above your regular tithes and offerings. I am confident that the Lord will be faithful to bless our efforts to be cheerful and sacrificial givers.

Grace and Peace,
Kenny Roberts
Lead Pastor

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