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Fruit of the Spirit - Patience

You know what I’ve wanted to ask God in all this craziness our world is in? Has someone been praying for patience? Maybe you’ve heard the old adage that suggests if you pray for patience God will send a trial for you to exercise patience. The implication is that the only way you’ll ever learn to be patient is if you are tested. Certainly, I believe that our patience grows in suffering along with our character (Romans 5:3-5), but patience is also given here as a fruit of the Spirit - available to all who are walking in the Spirit.

Patience here carries the idea of long-suffering. I like John MacArthur’s definition: “the calm willingness to accept situations that are irritating or painful.” I don’t think it’s a coincidence that patience comes immediately after peace in this list. It is the peace of God that rules our hearts and allows us to patiently endure whatever may come our way.

This is not a “grit your teeth and bear it” kind of patience either. It is a patience that rests firmly in the promises and power of God. A patience that understands I can rest my head at night knowing my God never rests His head. It’s a patience that endures persecution because “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” (Romans 12:19 & Deuteronomy 32:35). It’s a patience that doesn’t allow us to sit on our hands, but to continue working for the Lord all the while trusting that His purposes will prevail.

But I also believe the patience that the Spirit works in us is for the small moments as well. When we are walking in the Spirit, we won’t respond to our children out of anger and frustration, but patience and love. When you’re tired of looking at the walls of your house and just want to know when this will all be over, The Spirit enables you to find joy and not lose your patience when you have every reason to. It’s also the ability to be patient with yourself and the process of sanctification that God is working in you. To not give up on pursuing Jesus because you’ve hit a rough spot or a dry season spiritually.

When you’re walking by the Spirit and not by the flesh, He works patience in you and I believe we all could use a little more patience. So pray for patience - God may test you, but He will also supernaturally enable you by the Holy Spirit to exercise patience when the testing comes.

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