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by: Dave Harkey

As we deal with the stresses of life, especially life as we are experiencing it now, I find myself in some sort of prayer more often. Prayer is how we communicate with God, it how we get close to Him and share our hearts and our lives with Him in a more deliberate manner – and right now it seems I have a lot to say to Him (don’t we all right now?). I have to wonder sometimes if God is using these times to draw us closer to Him? While I don’t think this pandemic is good, I do think He is using it for good (good ole Romans 8:28 - maybe a blog for another day).

All this prayer time has me thinking about Ephesians 6:18. Paul tells us here to pray at all times. ALL TIMES?! How are we supposed to do this? Certainly, we cannot be on our knees 24/7. What does this look like? And in the Spirit? HUH?

We think tend to think of prayer of this sacred time where we shut everything out and focus on God; talking to Him and listening to Him. While I think we should do this on a daily basis, we also need to understand that this is not the only way we can pray. Here are some practical ways to pray at all times and in the Spirit:

  • Listen to the nudgings you get from God, the Spirit. When they come, say a quick prayer when they come to you. Prayer does not have to be all flowery and full of words. One sentence works – He knows your heart – it doesn’t even have to be proper grammar. “God – insert word hear – please, thank you” works. The Holy Spirit will do the rest (Romans 8:26-27)

  • Act on the nudgings you get from God, the Spirit. Notice when he gives you direction that seems to come out of nowhere. If He tells you to give the guy at the exit a dollar, just do it. Don’t debate it and wonder what the guy is going to use it for. Likewise, if he tells you to turn away, do that too.

  • Live your life as if it is a prayer – as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1). Try to please Him in all you do. Honor Him in all you do and in your lifestyle. It is the ultimate form of worship.

  • Don’t discount those short little prayers – “God Help Me”, “Thank You God”, “Lord, give me strength” They are powerful. They help you stay focused on God and to acknowledge Him in your life.

  • Use words you understand – keep it simple (1 Cor 14:15). I used to think that I had to use the big religious words and long prayers. I thank God that he taught me that simple is good – it was freeing.

  • Sing – even if it’s in your head. I love music, it is good for my soul and helps me express those things I cannot put into words on my own (Psalm 96:1, Psalm 47:6)

During these times, there is nothing more comforting to me than to be in God’s presence and to draw strength from him in all things I do and all things I deal with. These days can be overwhelming; so, I pray.

“Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere”
Ephesians 6:18

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