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by: Erin Bradley

Over the last several weeks, Heath and I have both noticed a subtle unwinding beginning to take place. Our family, like most, is constantly in motion, always moving towards goals set on the horizon.  It is not that we have found ourselves with fewer responsibilities if anything we are learning new processes that have come with sudden change. However, it feels like much of the unnecessary has vanished. Unnecessary anxieties, unnecessary hurry, unnecessary yeses, that to be completely transparent most often manifest in fear, anger, and exhaustion, not love, peace and joy.

Heath has been home for a solid month without interruption. In the 14 years I’ve known him, we have never been under one roof that long together. It has been amazing. Sure, our kids have fought and have had meltdowns, we all have, but I’ve noticed something… it is not just Heath and I unwinding, the kids are too. We have laughed and played together. We have worked, done chores, cooked, gone on bike rides, painted, argued, prayed, talked and heard one another, cried and done absolutely nothing all as a family.

I have heard and read several news stories and articles encouraging people to grieve the loss of societal “norms,” and accept that things are different. I get what they are saying, but what if we have completely missed something in our hurried lives? What if this “slowed down, nowhere to go that is more important” state of being is the “normal” we should be striving for?

Current world circumstances are forcing a slowing down in our lives to maintain health and reduce infection rates. While acknowledging the seriousness of our present plight, I find my heart asking if many of us have not already been afflicted with a much more devastating disease, the disease of self. Some of the symptoms are fear, anxiety, complacency, distraction, exhaustion, pressure and anger. This disease is slow working, making its way into every area of our lives. It devastates relationships, tears families apart and leaves our lives broken and empty.

In some ways this time of seclusion has felt like the gentle exposure of our hearts, revealing the true state of our lives. We have spent countless months stressed out and exhausted, constantly feeling like maybe we are just spinning our wheels, but as the have days passed, and peace and rest have filled our house and family, I have been reminded each morning of Matthew 11:28-30 (MSG),

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me – watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

Our reality is we have taken on burdens that we were not meant to bear; our Truth is that His burden is easy, and His yoke is light.

Today and in the days to come, whatever this unwinding is, we are in until the end.

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